Friday, 29 September 2017

Run around Europe Challenge

This year in fifth class we are doing the Walk around Europe challenge. We do lots of walking each day. We are trying to see what cities in Europe we can reach.                                                                           

By Shalom  

Friday, 15 September 2017

Go Noodle.

This week on Go Noodle we did lots of activities. We did ones that help our breathing and ones when we just call and repeat like Pizza Man. Also our character is growing really big. We would all love to have Go Noodle at home. We all really enjoy Go Noodle!

By Neirjelle 

Time Capsule

We made a time capsule at school. We put outlines of our feet and hands in to see if we grow. We also put in fact files about ourselves. We’re going to open it at the end of the year.

By Niamh 

Wassily Kansdinsky

At the start of the school year we recreated Wassily Kansdinsky concentric circles. We put 6 to 8 circles on our page and drew miniature c...