On Friday we went to visit an author in the hall! She has
published 2 ghost books. She was reading a few of her pages to 4th,
5th & 6th .After she was done reading a few pages she
answered a lot of questions like “When did you start writing books?” and “Who
was your favourite author?”
It took her 18 months to be able to publish both of her
books, write the books, add pictures and also design the front of the book. She
also loved to read as kid and she got into Roald Dahl books and that’s why she
started to write. Her books were nice to read and listen too. They are long
books that you could bring along on very long field trips.
One of the characters was Henry and he was the main
character. Her books were a scary type and adventurous. I hope in the future
she can publish more books and invent new characters. As of today you can get
her books and read them, I hope you like her books like I do!
By Mary Jane