Thursday, 25 February 2016

News Report

Welcome to fifth class news report

About two weeks ago our fifth class made Valentine’s Day card they were all pretty and gorgeous. We made two lovebirds and they were so cute.

This week we were learning about the 1916 rising and we also read the proclamation it was so long.we are also going to make our own proclamation. We also made a brainstorm of all the things we are going to include in our proclamation. There were some really good ideas like pollution free environment and all the children getting equal treatment.

Friday the 25th of February Aine and Grainne from 6th class done a news report on all the thing that have happened in the past month.

The school basketball team went to a blitz and won three matches and got a tie with Farnham School. Well done everyone who went to the blitz.

Thank you for reading our news report.

By Aleen and Nadine.

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

100 happy days

Our class did an assembly on Friday 29th of January. Our assembly was about learning to relax ourselves, our wellbeing and being happy. It was called 100 happy days. We each had parts to do. We asked each class to write down something that made them happy each day and to share it with the rest of the class. 
Here are some ways to help you relax yourselves; breathing slowly, closing your eyes and counting to ten, getting enough sleep about eight or nine hours a night and getting regular exercise everyday . We also did a song called lean on me . It was a lot of fun  practising for the assembly. I’m sure everyone enjoyed doing the actions because I sure did. I hope the whole school enjoyed our assembly as much as I did.

Thank you and have a nice day. Jemima.o.

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Healthy Ireland

Last Wednesday we got a flag from Healthy Ireland. The flag is white and it has a green circle on the middle which says hi which stands for Healthy Ireland. Before we raised the flag a few people and teachers said some things about being healthy and how to stay healthy. After that some of the classes went outside to where the flag was then some students and teachers slowly raised the flag and as they raised the flag we all cheered and clapped! Don’t forget that St. Clares is the one to beat because healthy food is all we eat!

By Roula 


Cinderella has arrived in St Clare's!

Wassily Kansdinsky

At the start of the school year we recreated Wassily Kansdinsky concentric circles. We put 6 to 8 circles on our page and drew miniature c...